
It seems a paradox but the most innovative sector in terms of real estate investment is represented today by residential rental. A country like Italy in which its citizens have traditionally been tied to the ownership of their own home, is undergoing a process of transformation, above all social, which leads most of our residential customers to prefer renting today to buying the house. A trend already in place for several years in the Anglo-Saxon and Northern European world, and that is now spreading in Italy. Thanks to the proximity to Switzerland in the north and Milan in the south of the geographical area we mainly garrisoned in the residential market, highly attractive area for immigration with qualified professional profiles and high average incomes, we have been able and able to capture since the dawn this new trend of the question. A sector, that of residential rental, which requires specific knowledge and skills and ad hoc management skills that we have acquired and perfected in recent years. This has allowed us to be investors in first person and to be able to lend our competence and our organizational and managerial ability also to institutional or private investors who want to diversify in this new promising asset class.